Friday 21 October 2011

It's a riot - part 2!

OK, so it's not a riot, but I thought I'd revisit my previous posting about how social media can exponentially increase the number of followers to a cause...

Buzz about the "Occupy" movement has reached amazing heights. A recent study showed that buzz about the movement peaked in early October with a the five-day surge of over 13,000 messages posted about to it - read more on Mashable

The movement started on Wall Street, NY, it then grew to other cities in the USA and is now occuring all over the world, including Melbourne.

If social media didn't exist, would the movement have grown so significantly? Would we be seeing it in Melbourne?? Is social media once again an instigator???

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering who would be the first to blog about this! Well done!
    I am going to take a weird stance on this. SM is not a cause of protests (such as what happened in the UK) and I am surprised and glad SM hans't yet been blamed for this.
    SM however provides protesters with a new way of protesting!
    "virtual protesting"
    Could be interesting!
